Головна » Статті » Конференція_2015_12_16-17 » Секція_6_Соціально-гуманітарні науки


Деркач Світлана

к. п. н, доцент

кафедра англійської мови та методики її викладання

Уманський державний педагогічний  університет ім. П.Тичини

м. Умань




‘A perfect start for a perfect teaching’


In summer 2015 I had a wonderful chance and a unique opportunity to take part in the Summer School organized by the British Council. Unforgettable week in the Summer School provided me a good perspective:

  • to get to know new effective techniques and methods in English teaching
  • to share my experience with colleagues
  • to make friends with teachers from another universities
  • what is more, to develop my own horizons in the field of new generation teacher.

The New generation teacher approach that we were perfectly presented during the Summer School has been successfully implemented at the sessions and the results of this test programme have been presented in the conference at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (November, 2015) and five articles below:

  • Деркач С.П. Four directions for vocabulary use / С.П. Деркач, Т.В. Капелюшна / ”Шкільний вчитель нового покоління” : матеріали Всеукраїнської наукової інтернет-конференції  з міжнародною участю. – Житомир. – 2015.
  • Деркач С.П. Benchmarking Vocabulary Studies/ С.П. Деркач // Сучасна іншомовна освіта в Yкраїні: стан, проблеми, перспективи : матеріали II Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції. – Умань : ФОП Жовтий О. О., 2015. – С. 81-82.
  • Derkach S. International experience in vocabulary studies / S. Derkach / Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «Проблемы преодоления последствий геноцида армян». –  Ереван. – 2015.
  • Деркач С.П. Формула успіху у вивченні іноземних мов / С. Деркач, О. Савочка // Зб. наук. праць студентів та молодих учених / [упорядкув. Т.О. Піонтковська]. – Умань : ВПЦ «Візаві», 2015 – С. 120 -123.
  • Деркач С.П. Підвищення якості навчального процесу новітніми технологіями / С. Деркач / Актуальні проблеми методичної підготовки майбутнього вчителя іноземних мов : Матеріали наково-практичного семінару. –  Ніжин. – 2015. – С. 44–46.

Frankly speaking, I really liked the summer sessions and till now I find myself more and more interested in applying new approaches and instructional materials when teaching my students I have discovered at summer school. 

It should be marked that the approach that we were suggested I tried to use earlier but I felt lack of enough knowledge and skills to fulfil new ideas and methods effectively.

It is worth saying that the ideas that occurred to me after Summer School sessions I began to apply straight at the beginning of the semester. At first students were very excited because of the amount of collaborative learning: they were supposed to do their assignments in pairs, groups of three or four or even six. It was unusual for students to move around the whole lesson, to join in groups and discuss the question together.

To say the truth, I observed them helping each other enthusiastically with satisfaction and smiles on their faces, with lively activity and with great desire to get other tasks and work in teams again. At the end of the lesson, they were asked to give their feedback on the lesson and everyone said that they wish to work collaboratively all time studying because such approach in learning motivates them significantly and they are ever waiting for the next session. Furthermore, as a teacher, I was happy to meet students’ needs and to get expected outcomes.

What is more important for me as a teacher is that I understand that, first of all, they are making progress and moreover, that collaborative learning is influential interpersonal process taking place in groups. Secondly, I have started noticing that they feel like improving their skills themselves. And thirdly, they become more creative because they are involved and are constantly thinking.

Thus, the many profits and benefits of collaborative learning in English classes can potentially contribute both to qualitative students’ outcomes and professional teachers’ development.

Finally, I’d like to express my great thanks to British Council and our teachers from Summer School for useful and important tips and I hope that this programme will do good. What remains to be done now is to keep up developing further.

Категорія: Секція_6_Соціально-гуманітарні науки | Додав: Admin (15.12.2015)
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