Головна » Статті » Конференція_2015_03_19-20 » Секція_3_Економіка_і природокористування


Stoyanova Stanislava

Assistant, Ph.D.

“D. A. Tsenov” Academy of  Economics

Department of  Management

Svishtov, Bulgaria




The sustainable management of modern organizations is related to combining  economic success, environmental responsibility and balanced social policy.   Voluntary corporate social responsibility and the ability to resolve successfully target conflicts and crisis situations are some of the important factors for the sustainable functioning of organizations [Alexieva, 2011, p. 238].    

In general, it can be said that to reach and maintain the sustainable management of the organization it is necessary to create a balance between the internal conditions of the system and its external environment so that it could develop its full potential [Kamenov, 2004, p. 235].

The up-to-date theories of sustainable management of organisations are based on the concept of sustainable development. This concept represents a programme of the process for restructuring the economic, social and technical relations with the aim of preserving the natural and social environment for the present and future generations by fully respecting the uniqueness of nature itself. This involves sustainable use of natural resources; restoration and maintenance of the integrity of ecological processes and ecosystems; protection of biodiversity and protection of the environment in general; protection and improvement of human health; safety; economic and social well-being; equal treatment of generations; etc.

Sustainable development is a concept that is based on sustainable forms of development that secure a higher level of functioning of the system. This process is not separated from the dynamics of reasonable consumption. Sustainable development is an objective necessity of the future. Nevertheless, effective measures for its realization should be taken immediately.

The characteristics of sustainable development that are explicitely and implicitely put forward in its definitions and principles can be identified as follows: [Dimov, http://atlas-bg.eu] 1). Overall, complex approach to problems and comprehensiveness; rational use of resources and the environment; achieving balance between the natural and man-made environment to secure possibilities for development of mankind and individuals;  2). Responsibility for the future, long-term strategic approaches to development; 3). Achieving balance of the economic, social and ecological dimensions, equality of objectives in these three spheres and integration of the respective policies; 4). Achieving managed success that preserves resources; balance of use and preservation with reference to renewable energy sources; minimum use of non-renewable energy sources; taking into account the ability of the environment to deal with dangerous emissions and waste; 5). Equal and fair access to both resources that generate well-being and the distribution of benefits and expenses through various approaches, including these that take into account the external effects; 6). Combination of efforts, partnership and shared responsibilities of various institutions and groups at different levels (from local to global ones); wide participation of all interested parties not only in determining the guiding principles of the necessary policies and actions but also in their realization; 7). Necessity of changing completely the society and its established models of behavior; economic activities and their management and consumption.  

Seen in perspective, the sustainable management of business organizations could be realised only when they adopt socially responsible models of behaviour that would balance the interaction of the tree factors, namely the economy, environment and social values. These models of behaviour are carachterised by certain features such as the fact that organizations first determine thier main social, ecological and ethical spheres in which they would like to operate and make an impact. Then, in line with these objectives the organizations develop detailed goals they integrate them in their business strategies. The aim is to involve all interested parties in these processes and make them feel committed to the idea of maintaining a continuous  dialogue with all subjects that are capable of influencing the business activities of organizations and, at the same time, are influenced by these activities. The management is directed towards permanent monitoring and clear accountability of all corporate responsibility activities performed under the supervision of units at the top of the organizational structures of companies [Lindner, 2009, p. 171, 172].

The socially responsible behaviour or organizations means success in business achieved through adherence to ethical and legal norms. It suggests taking voluntary responsibility for preserving the environment and consumers’ health, respecting human rights and maintaining on-going dialogue with all individuals or organizations (interested parties) who have a stake in the socially responsible organization or are influenced by its activities.  The adoption of socially responsible behaviours by business organizations in the long run will result in profitable and beneficiary situations for all participants involved in the  interaction process.



  1. Alexieva, D. Effects of Power in Times of Economic Crisis. // Economy and Management in 21st Century – Solutions for Stability and Growth, Conference Proceedings, Volume 5, Svishtov, 2011. -  p. 238.
  2. Dimov, N. An Alternative to Sustainable Development – part 1. http://atlas-bg.eu/alternativa-na-ustoichivoto-razvitie-1-chast.html
  3. Kamenov, K. Fundamentals of Management, part 2, Abagar, V.Tarnovo, 2004. - p. 235.
  4. Lindner, J. et al. Entrepreneurship and Management. Dionis, Sofia, 2009. - p. 171, 172.
Категорія: Секція_3_Економіка_і природокористування | Додав: Admin (19.03.2015)
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